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tft patch notes 13.18
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Brief Summary of TFT Patch Notes 13.18
Get a concise and easy-to-understand brief summary of TFT patch notes 13.18. Stay up to date with the latest updates and changes in TFT.HORIZONBOUND COSMETICS
- Chibi Irelia directly from the shop for 1900 RP. She’ll come with her signature Boom, Vanguard’s Edge, that’s sure to swing the tide of battle.
- Chibi Divine Sword Irelia is a Star Content drop from Treasure Realms, whose finisher alludes to her fabled dealings with Dragon Kings and fools.
- Knife Pup and their variants are available for direct purchase for 750 RP (rare) and 925 RP for their epic variants. (Knife Pup (base), Thunderstorm Knife Pup (rare), Kernel Knife Pup (rare), Soul Fighter Knife Pup (epic), Lone Loaf Knife Pup (epic), Kanmei Knife Pup (legendary).)
- Knife Hound and their variants are available for direct purchase for 750 RP (rare) and 925 RP (epic). (Knife Hound (base), Akana Knife Hound (rare), Thunderstorm Knife Hound (rare), Shurima Knife Hound (epic), Soul Fighter Knife Hound (epic), Shiba Knife Hound (legendary).)
- You’ve bravely wandered Runeterra amidst a Convergence storm, and if you made it to Gold or higher along the way, there’ll be a special Chibi Star Guardian Lux emote for you to flex with.
- If you played Hyper Roll and finished Green, Blue, Purple, or Hyper tier, then you’ll get an emote to signal that too!.
- And if you’ve been exploring Runeterra with a friend, good on you, ‘cause it’s dangerous to wander alone. Plus you could get any of these Double Up emotes if you hit Gold or higher.
- Your rank has been "soft" reset down one tier below your current standings. For example, if you are currently in Gold II you will now be in Silver II.
- If you are very good at this game and currently placed in Master or above, you will be reset to Diamond IV.
- You will get five provisional matches after the reset, meaning you will not lose any LP for sub-top-four placements in your first five ranked games of the new stage. You’ll also gain some extra LP for finishing top four, so best of luck!
- Ranked rewards for the first half of Monsters Attack! will be distributed with this patch, but it may take a couple days to complete the rollout.
- The following traits are Prismatic: 6 Piltover, 9 Bilgewater, 9 Demacia, 9 Ionia, 9 Noxus, 9 Shurima
- The following traits have been changed from Prismatic to Gold: 8 Bastion, 8 Challenger, 8 Invoker, 8 Sorcerer, 8 Void, 6 Gunner, 6 Vanquisher, 6 Zaun, 5 Strategist, 4 Ixtal, 4 Targon
- 3 Freljord
- 40/50/70% ⇒ 20/30/50%
- Critical strike conversion from excess crit over 100% has been increased from 50% to 80% conversion
- Reduced the chances of seeing an overwhelming amount of loot in one round.
- Evenshroud (Negatron Cloak + Giant’s Belt) Health: 150, Magic Resist: 20
- Evenshroud: 30% Sunder enemies within 2 hexes. For the first 10s of combat, gain 20 Armor and Magic Resist.
- Crownguard (Needlessly Large Rod + Chain Vest) Ability Power: 20, Armor: 20
- Crownguard: Combat Start: Gain a shield equal to 30% of your maximum health for 8 seconds. When this shield breaks or expires, gain 40 additional Ability Power.
- Night Harvester (Sparring Gloves + Chain Vest) Ability Power: 15, Attack Damage: 15%, Armor: 25, Crit Chance: 20%
- Night Harvester: Deal 12% bonus damage. After falling below 60% max Health, increase this to 25% for the rest of combat.
- Sterak’s Gage (BF Sword + Giant’s Belt) Health: 200, Attack Damage: 15%
- Sterak’s Gage: Once per combat at 60% health, increase max health by 20% and gain 35% AD for the rest of combat.
- Adaptive Helm (Tear of the Goddess + Negatron Cloak) Mana: 15, Ability Power: 15, Magic Resist: 20
- Adaptive Helm: Combat Start: The holder gains bonus stats based on their starting position. 35 Armor and Magic Resist when placed in the front two rows or 20 Ability Power and gain 10 Mana every 3 seconds in the back two.
- Nashor’s Tooth (Recurve Bow + Giant’s Belt) Ability Power: 30, Attack Speed: 10%, Health: 150
- Nashor’s Tooth: After casting a spell, gain 40% Attack Speed for 5 seconds
- Archangel’s Staff Mana: 30 ⇒ 15
- Archangel’s Staff AP Per 5s: 20 ⇒ 25
- Bramble Vest Critical Strike Reduction: 75% ⇒ 50%
- Chalice of Power is no longer craftable. Chalice of Power has been moved to the Support Item Pool.
- Dragon’s Claw MR: 75 ⇒ 65
- Gargoyle’s Stoneplate Base Armor & MR: 30 ⇒ 25
- Guardbreaker Ability Power: 20 ⇒ 10
- Guardbreaker Attack Speed: 0% ⇒ 25%
- Guardbreaker Attack Damage: 20% ⇒ 0%
- Ionic Spark MR Shred: 50% ⇒ 30%
- Ionic Spark MR: 20 ⇒ 25
- Ionic Spark AP: 10 ⇒ 15
- Last Whisper Sunder: 50% ⇒ 30%
- Last Whisper AD: 10% ⇒ 15%
- Last Whisper Attack Speed: 10% ⇒ 25%
- Locket of the Iron Solari is no longer craftable. Locket has been moved to the Support Item Pool.
- Protector’s Vow Armor & MR on Proc: 25 ⇒ 20
- Rapid Firecannon Attack Speed: 55% ⇒ 33%
- Rapid Firecannon NEWDeal 12% bonus damage.
- Rapid Firecannon tooltip no longer states your attacks cannot miss.
- Redemption bonus Heal Effect: 25% Reduced AoE damage ⇒ 10% Reduced damage from all sources
- Shroud of Stillness is no longer craftable and has been moved to the Support Item Pool.
- Statikk Shiv MR Shred: 50% ⇒ 30%
- Statikk Shiv AS: 10% ⇒ 15%
- Statikk Shiv AP: 15 ⇒ 20
- Spear of Shojin Mana: 30 ⇒ 15
- Spear of Shojin Attack Damage: 10% ⇒ 15%
- Titan’s Resolve Armor & MR at Max stacks: 25 ⇒ 20
- Zeke’s Herald is no longer craftable and has been moved to the Support Item Pool.
- Zephyr is no longer craftable and has been moved to the Support Item Pool.
- Zz’rot Portal is no longer craftable and has been moved to the Support Item Pool
- All Support Items grant +250 Health and no other combat stats. Focus on choosing the right effect for your team!
- Aegis of the Legion (new) Combat Start: Empower all allies in the rows behind the holder, granting 30% Attack Speed and 15 Armor and Magic Resistance for 8 seconds.
- Banshee’s Veil Start of combat: Grant the holder and allies within 1 hex of the same row immunity to crowd control for 18 seconds.
- Chalice of Power Hex Range: 1 ⇒ 2
- Chalice of Power Ability Power Granted: 20 ⇒ 18
- Chalice of Power now grants affected allies 10 Mana at the start of combat.
- Obsidian Cleaver Shred & Sunder: 50% ⇒ 30%
- Obsidian Cleaver Shred & Sunde duration: 10 ⇒ 15 sec
- Obsidian Cleaver now grants your team 10% AD and 10 Ability Power.
- Locket of the Iron Solari Shield Value: 250
- Locket of the Iron Solari Shield: Affected allies also gain 20 Armor and Magic Resist
- Locket of the Iron Solari Shield duration: 4s ⇒ 20s
- Needlessly Big Gem damage amplification scaling based on: player gold ⇒ flat 30%
- Randuin’s Omen Armor & MR granted: 40 ⇒ 30
- Shroud of Stillness now grants your team 60 Health.
- Shroud of Stillness will not be offered until at least Stage 3
- Virtue of the Martyr (new): Every 5 seconds, heal all allies equal to 7% of their max health. After the holder dies, increase this heal by 200% and continue the effect for 10 seconds.
- Zeke’s Herald Hex Range: 1 ⇒ 2
- Zeke’s Herald Attack Speed Granted: 15% ⇒ 25%
- Zephyr now grants your team 8% Attack Speed
- Zephyr will not be offered until at least Stage 3
- Zz’Rot Portal moved to Support Item
- Zz’Rot Portal Voidspawn HP Per Stage (2/3/4/5): 1000/1250/1500/1800 ⇒ 1000/1300/1600/1900
- Zz’Rot Portal Voidspawn AD Per Stage (3/4/5): 90/110/130 ⇒ 80/105/130
- System Changes: Gold generating items will not be offered on Stage 4 and beyond
- Eternal Winter Armor: 25 ⇒ 20
- Goldmancer’s Staff Ability Power: 20 ⇒ 25
- Goldmancer’s Staff Max Ability Power from Gold: 60 ⇒ 30
- Hullcrusher Armor & MR: 40 ⇒ 35
- Mogul’s Mail Added to Artifact Item Pool
- Muramana Ability Power: 0 ⇒ 15
- Obsidian Cleaver moved to Support
- Randuin’s Sanctum moved to Support
- Trickster’s Glass clone is now slightly transparent during the planning phase.
- Zhonya’s Paradox Ability Power: 45 ⇒ 50
- Equinox (Evenshroud) Health: 400, Magic Resist: 30
- Equinox (Evenshroud) 30% Sunder enemies within 2 hexes. For the first 15s of combat, gain 50 Armor and Magic Resist.
- Jak’Sho the Protean (Adaptive Helm) Mana: 15, Ability Power: 15, Magic Resist: 30
- Jak’Sho the Protean (Adaptive Helm) Combat Start: The holder gains bonus stats regardless of their starting position. In the front Two Rows gain 45 Armor and Magic Resist. In the back two rows gain 35 Ability Power and 15 Mana every 3 seconds.
- Midnight Reaper (Night Harvesterdvar) Ability Power: 25, Attack Damage: 25, Armor: 50, Crit Chance: 20%
- Midnight Reaper (Night Harvester) Deal 20% bonus damage. After falling below 80% health, increase this to 45% for the rest of combat.
- Royal Crownshield (Crownguard) Ability Power: 50 Armor: 40
- Royal Crownshield (Crownguard) Combat Start: Gain a shield equal to 40% of your maximum health for 8 seconds. When this shield breaks or expires, gain 50 Ability Power.
- Sterak’s Megashield (Sterak’s Gage) Health: 400, Attack Damage: 30%
- Sterak’s Megashield (Sterak’s Gage) Once per combat at 60% health, increases max health by 30% and gains 55% AD for the rest of combat.
- The Baron’s Gift (Nashor’s Tooth) Ability Power: 55, Attack Speed: 20%, Health: 200
- The Baron’s Gift (Nashor’s Tooth) After casting a spell, gain 75% Attack Speed for 6 seconds.
- Rosethorn Vest (Bramble Vest) Armor: 120 ⇒ 140
- Rosethorn Vest (Bramble Vest) Crit Reduction: 100% ⇒ 70%
- Brink of Dawn (Edge of Night) Trigger Threshold: Triggers on 60% AND 30%max Health ⇒ 60% max Health only
- Brink of Dawn (Edge of Night) Trigger Attack Speed: 50% ⇒ 85%
- Brink of Dawn (Edge of Night) NEWAfter triggering, restore 100% of the holder’s missing health.
- Dragon’s Will (Dragon’s Claw) MR: 150 ⇒ 130
- Dvarapala Stoneplate (Gargoyle Stoneplate) Base Armor & MR: 30 ⇒ 25
- Dvarapala Stoneplate (Gargoyle Stoneplate) Armor and & MR per attacker: 30 ⇒ 25
- Covalent Spark (Ionic Spark) Shred: 50% ⇒ 30%
- Covalent Spark (Ionic Spark) MR: 20 ⇒ 25
- Covalent Spark (Ionic Spark) AP: 10 ⇒ 15
- Covalent Spark (Ionic Spark) Health Regen: 1% ⇒ 1.5%
- Eternal Whisper (Last Whisper) Sunder: 50% ⇒ 30%
- Eternal Whisper (Last Whisper) AD: 35% ⇒ 45%
- Eternal Whisper (Last Whisper) AS: 20% ⇒ 25%
- Bulwark’s Oath (Protector’s Vow) Armor & MR on Proc: 70 ⇒ 60
- Absolution (Redemption) Damage Reduction: 25% AoE Damage ⇒ 15% All Damage
- Rapid Lightcannon (Rapid Firecannon) Attack Speed: 120% ⇒ 70%
- Rapid Lightcannon NEW Deal 20% bonus damage.
- Runaan’s Tempest (Hurricane) Attack Damage: 30% ⇒ 35%
- Spear of Hirana (Spear of Shojin) Attack Damage: 25% ⇒ 30%
- Statikk Favor (Statikk Shiv) Shred: 50% ⇒ 30%
- Statikk Favor (Statikk Shiv) AP: 40 ⇒ 50
- Statikk Favor (Statikk Shiv) AS: 10% ⇒ 20%
- Statikk Favor (Statikk Shiv) Zap Damage: 65 ⇒ 70
- Titan’s Vow (Titan’s Resolve) Armor & MR at max stacks: 60 ⇒ 50
- Willbreaker (Guardbreaker) Attack Speed: 0% ⇒ 50%
- The following traits are retreating into the shadows, through portals, or out of fear of optometrists: Shadow Isles, Yordles, Deadeye
- The following 1-costs are getting rerolled into another set: Maokai, Tristana, Veigo
- The following 2-costs will miss you too: Kled, Teemo, Zed
- The following 3-costs will no longer need your Rageblades: Akshan, Garen, Kalista, Lissandra
- The following 4-costs are fourging a new path: Gwen, Lux, Urgot, Yasuo, Zeri
- The following 5-cost has left to find Lucian: Senna
- Bastion Base Armor & MR: 25/50/95/240 ⇒ 20/40/65/125
- Bruiser Bonus max Health: 10/40/70% ⇒ 10/45/80%
- Darkin is now a 1 / 2
- Darkin (1) When a Darkin dies, their weapon possesses the nearest ally champion granting them the weapons power.
- Darkin (2) Weapons powers become 50% stronger
- Darkin, Aatrox now uses most damage dealt this fight as a tiebreaker when two units are equidistant.
- Demacia Elite Bonus: Random Radiant Item ⇒ Each unit will have 1 selected Radiant item they will always receive
- Demacia Elite Bonus Armor & MR: 5/30/40/100 ⇒ 5/15/35/150
- Demacia Elite Count: 1/2/4/5 ⇒ 1/2/3/5
- Freljord is now a 2 / 3
- Freljord (2) 8% max HP true damage, and enemies are 30% shredded and sundered for 10 seconds
- Freljord (3) 15% max HP true damage, and enemies are also stunned for 1.5 seconds.
- Gunner AD per Stack: 6/14/25% ⇒ 6/12/25%
- Invoker now has a new 8 Piece: All units gain an additional 40 Ability Power & 40 Mana per 3 seconds
- Ionia (9) Bonus Spirits: 3 ⇒ 4
- Ionia (9) Bonus Amount: 325% ⇒ 350%
- Juggernaut Damage Reduction: 15-25/25-40/35-50% ⇒ 15-25/20-35/30-45%
- Multicasted Damage Reduction: 66% ⇒ 60%
- Noxus is now a 3 / 5 / 7 / 9
- Noxus gain (160/300/420/750) Health, (16/30/42/75) AP & AD. This is increased by 5% for each different opponent you have conquered.
- Rogue (4) reworked: Rogue's damage bleeds their target for 60% bonus magic damage over 2.5 seconds.
- Shurima is now a 2 / 4 / 6 / 9
- Shurima: Every 4 seconds, Shurimans heal 5% max HP. After 8 seconds, select Shurimans Ascend and gain 20% max HP and 30% AS.
- Shurima (2): Strongest Shuriman Ascends
- Shurima (4) All Shurimans Ascend & 15% Ascension Bonus (23% HP 35% AS)
- Shurima (6) Ascend at combat start & 45% Ascension Bonus (29% HP 44% AS)
- Shurima (9) Ascend twice & 75% Ascension Bonus (35% HP 53% AS twice)
- Slayer is now a 2 / 4 / 6
- Slayers gain 12% Omnivamp and deal (6/16/36%) bonus damage, doubled against units below 66% Health.
- Sorcerer AP: 20/50/80/120 ⇒ 25/50/90/135
- Sorcerer Max HP explosion: 7/10/12/20% ⇒ 7/10/12/15%
- Void Baron Shred & Sunder: 60% ⇒ 40%
- Zaun (4): Gain 2 Chem Mods ⇒ Gain 2 Chem Mods & they overcharge
- Zaun (6): Gain 3 Chem Mods & they overcharge ⇒ Gain 5 Chem mods & they overcharge
- Zaun, Adaptive Implant Overcharge Stats: 60% ⇒ 50%
- Zaun, Hextech Exoskeleton (REWORKED) Deal 12% more damage. Take 12% less damage. Every 5 seconds restore 15% of your max HP.
- Zaun, Hextech Exoskeleton (OVERCHARGE) You are immune to CC and the heal is increased to 25% of your max HP.
- Zaun, Robotic Arm (OVERCHARGE) Your attacks and abilities deal 25% additional damage as true damage
- Zaun, Shimmer Injector Attack Speed: 25% ⇒ 35%
- Zaun, Shimmer Injector Overcharge Heal: 100% ⇒ 80%
- Zaun, Shimmer Injector Overcharge AS Bonus: 400% ⇒ 200%
- Zaun, Unstable Chemtank HP Gained: 33% ⇒ 30%
- Zaun, Unstable Chemtank Overcharge Damage: 35% ⇒ 25%
- Zaun, Virulent Bioware (REWORKED) For 3 seconds after casting your ability, plague the enemies you damage causing them and enemies within 1 hex to take 18% more damage for 5 sec.
- Zaun, Virulent Bioware (OVERCHARGE) Plague duration is increased to 10 seconds and deals 3.5% max HP magic damage per second.
- Cho’Gath Mana: 30/90 ⇒ 20/80
- Cho’Gath Feast Base Damage: 250/335/450 ⇒ 270/370/500
- Cho’Gath Feast lock out time reduced
- Jhin is now an Ionia Vanquisher
- Jhin Mana buff: 44/144 ⇒ 44/124
- Kayle Divine Ascent Wave Shred: 40% ⇒ 20%
- Kayle Divine Ascent Wave Damage: 25/30/45 ⇒ 30/40/60
- Malzahar Call of the Void Damage: 205/310/460 ⇒ 220/330/500
- Malzahar Call of the Void delay between casting and dealing damage shortened.
- Orianna max Mana buff: 50/100 ⇒ 40/90
- Poppy is now just Demacia Bastion
- Poppy Health: 600 ⇒ 700
- Poppy max Mana buff: 90/150 ⇒ 40/100
- Poppy AD: 45 ⇒ 55
- Poppy Steadfast Hammer Shield Amount: 310/330/350 ⇒ 250/300/350
- Poppy Steadfast Hammer Shield Duration: 3 ⇒ 4 seconds
- Samira Flair AD ratio: 200/200/210% ⇒ 190/190/200%
- Ashe is now a Freljord Vanquisher
- Ashe AD: 50 ⇒ 55
- Ashe Volley AD ratio: 160/160/170% ⇒ 160/165/175%
- Galio Shield of Durand Channel Duration 4 ⇒ 2.5
- Galio Shield of Durand Heal 350/400/450 ⇒ 300/350/400
- Jinx Mana buff: 0/75 ⇒ 10/70
- Swain REWORKED: Swain is no longer mana locked while his Demonflare ability is active. Instead, if he casts again while transformed, he’ll perform a burst, gaining 225/260/385 additional max Health and deal 100/160/240 magic damage to nearby enemies.
- Swain initial transformation bonus Health: 375/450/650 ⇒ 325/375/550
- Swain Demonflare Sustained Tick Damage: 35/50/75 ⇒ 25/40/60
- Swain Mana nerf: 50/120 ⇒ 60/135
- Swain Armor & MR: 50 ⇒ 45
- Taliyah Mana: 0/60 ⇒ 20/60
- Taliyah Seismic Shove active Knockup Damage: 160/240/370 ⇒ 180/270/410
- Vi Blast Shield Sunder: 40% ⇒ 20%
- Vi Blast Shield shield: 325/350/400 ⇒ 350/400/450
- Vi Blast Shield AD ratio: 200% ⇒ 250%
- Warwick REWORKED: When Warwick casts, instead of gaining an increased heal, he’ll instead gain +100% bonus Attack Speed.
- Darius is now a Noxus Juggernaut Vanquisher
- Darius AD: 70 ⇒ 60
- Darius AS: 0.75 ⇒ 0.7
- Darius Noxian Guillotine AD ratio: 350% ⇒ 300%
- Darius Noxian Guillotine Base Damage: 100/120/150 ⇒ 55/80/110
- Ekko Phase Dive Damage: 300/450/675 ⇒ 270/405/610
- Jayce Mana buff: 40/120 ⇒ 30/100
- Jayce Acceleration Gate Damage: 240/240/250% AD ⇒ 255/255/265% AD
- Jayce Acceleration Gate Ally Attack Speed: 20/25/30% ⇒ 15%
- Jayce Acceleration Gate Self Attack Speed: 20% ⇒ 30/40/50%
- Rek’Sai is now a Void Bruiser Slayer
- Rek’Sai AD: 65 ⇒ 60
- Rek’Sai Armor & MR: 40 ⇒ 45
- Rek’Sai AS: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75
- Rek’Sai Furious Bite AD ratio: 315% ⇒ 290/290/300%
- Rek’Sai Furious Bite Empowered Spell Health Threshold: 70% ⇒ 66% (matches Slayer)
- Rek’Sai Furious Bite no longer deals bonus damage on her enhanced bite. Enemies below 66% will just take her standard damage converted to true damage
- Rek’Sai’s Furious Bite animation speed has been significantly increased her when not dashing through her target
- Taric Radiance shield now only redirects 50% of the damage received by adjacent allies
- Taric Radiance Shield: 550/650/750 ⇒ 500/580/680
- Vel’Koz Plasma Fission Damage: 230/345/560 ⇒ 250/375/600
- Aphelios is now a Targon Gunner
- Aphelios Armor & MR: 30 ⇒ 25
- Aphelios AD: 65 ⇒ 60
- Aphelios Range: 5 ⇒ 4 (Deadeye removal)
- Aphelios AS: 0.8 ⇒ 0.75
- Aphelios Chakram AD ratio: 10/10/30% ⇒ 6/6/15%
- Aphelios Chakram Healing: 50% ⇒ 75%
- Aphelios Moonblast AD ratio: 200/200/550% ⇒ 240/240/750%
- Aphelios max Mana buff: 70/120 ⇒ 50/100
- Kai’Sa Mana buff: 30/125 ⇒ 40/120
- Nasus Attack Speed: 0.65 ⇒ 0.7
- Nasus Armor & MR: 60 ⇒ 50
- Nasus Soul Eater AD% Steal: 10% ⇒ 8%
- Nasus Soul Eater Resistance Steal: 5/5/30 ⇒ 4/4/20
- Nasus Soul Eater Enemies Stolen From: 4/5/9 ⇒ 4/5/7
- Nasus Soul Eater empowered bonks AD ratio: 350/350/700% ⇒ 380/380/700%
- Sejuani Health: 1000 ⇒ 1100
- Shen Ionia Bonus damage reduction: 9% ⇒ 8%
- Shen max Mana nerf: 70/150 ⇒ 90/170
- Shen Ki Barrier Self Shield Amount: 350/450/2000 ⇒ 300/400/2000
- Aatrox Health: 1100 ⇒ 900
- Aatrox Armor & MR: 70 ⇒ 60
- Aatrox Darkin Omnivamp: 15% ⇒ 20%
- Aatrox now benefits from Darkin even when he is alive
- Aatrox now uses most damage dealt this fight as a tiebreaker when two units are equidistant
- Bel’Veth Royal Maelstrom AD ratio: 65% ⇒ 70%
- Bel’Veth Royal Maelstrom true Damage: 18/30/50 ⇒ 18/30/100
- Bel’Veth Empress transformation now grants Bel’Veth significantly more movement speed at 3-star
- K’Sante Mana nerf: 0/60 ⇒ 0/70
- K’Sante Armor & MR: 60 ⇒ 50
- Heimerdinger is now a Piltover Technogenius
- Heimerdinger Apex Turret Upgrade, Shrink Module Sunder & Shred: 40/50/70% ⇒ 20/30/50%
- Heimerdinger Apex Turret Upgrade, Shrink Module Shrink Duration: 6 ⇒ 4 seconds
- Heimerdinger Apex Turret Upgrade, Mechano-Swarm Burn: 1/2/3% ⇒ 1/1/2%
- Heimerdinger Apex Turret Upgrade, Mechano-Swarm Rocket Damage: 50/80/120 ⇒ 50/120/120
- Ryze (Zaun Portal) Shred & Sunder: 40% ⇒ 20%
- Ryze (Zaun Portal) Damage: 110/200/2006 ⇒ 125/230/2006
- Sion Health: 1000 ⇒ 900
- Sion Amor and MR: 60 ⇒ 65
- Cybernetic Bulk: 250 HP ⇒ 225 HP
- Cybernetic Leech: 13% ⇒ 10% Omnivamp
- Healing Orbs I: 300 ⇒ 250 Heal
- Iron Assets: 2 ⇒ 4 gold
- Pandora’s Bench units that will be transformed are now locked in at the beginning of the round.
- Seeing Double I has been replaced with Job’s Done: Gain 2 component anvils.
- Social Distancing: 12% ⇒ 10% AD & AP
- Tiny Power I: 7% ⇒ 6% Stats
- Unified Resistance I Armor & MR Granted: 18 ⇒ 15
- Well Earned Comforts I: 60 ⇒ 80 HP per item
- A Cut Above is no longer offered on 3-2
- A Cut Above chance to drop gold: 33% ⇒ 25%
- All That Shimmers has been removed.
- The following Shimmerscale (All That Shimmers) items will be moved to new categories: Mogul’s Mail - Artifact Item, Goldmancer’s Staff - Artifact Item, Needlessly Big Gem - Support Item
- Adrenaline Rush (Juggernaut): 25% ⇒ 20% Max Damage
- Chemtech Enhancements (Zaun)Adjacent Unit Bonus HP: 100 ⇒ 250
- Contagion: 20% ⇒ 18% Damage Amp
- Cybernetic Bulk II: 350 HP ⇒ 300 HP
- Cybernetic Leech II: 18% ⇒ 15% Omnivamp
- Demonflare (Swain carry augment) Damage amp per 100 health 4% ⇒ 3%.
- Escort Quest: No longer offered on 3-2
- Gargantuan Resolve: 35 ⇒ 40 Max Stacks
- Riftwalk (Kassadin Carry) Ability Power Per Cast: 32 ⇒ 35
- Idealism: 13% ⇒ 12% Damage amp
- Infusion: 20 mana per 5 ⇒ 20 mana per 6
- Know Your Enemy: 15/20% ⇒ 12/18% Damage Amp
- Know Your Enemy is now mutually exclusive with Built Different.
- Magic Wand: 20 AP ⇒ 18 AP
- Medium Forge: 7 ⇒ 6 Gold
- Ravenous Hunter (Warwick carry): Max Stacks: 40 ⇒ 45
- Return on Investment: 20 ⇒ 18 rerolls
- Parting Gifts now mutually exclusive with Endless Hordes.
- Seeing Double Changed back to “Teaming Up”
- Teaming Up II: Gain 1 random Support Item.
- Sentinel’s Spirit (Ionia) Attack Speed: 15% ⇒ 10%
- Sentinel’s Spirit (Ionia) Ionians Given: 3 ⇒ 2
- Shurima’s Legacy Sun Disc magic damage 160-800 ⇒ 145-725
- Shurima’s Legacy Shurimans Given: 3 ⇒ 2
- Sleight of Hand: 30% AS ⇒ 200 HP & 20% AS
- Social Distancing II: 20% ⇒ 16% AD & AP
- Stable Evolution (Void): 3 ⇒ 2 Void units given
- Stellacorns Blessing (Targon): 45% ⇒ 35% AS
- Tactical Superiority: 5% ⇒ 4% Base AD & AP
- Tactical Superiority will no longer be offered on round 2-1.
- The Boss (Sett carry augment) Excess damage that puts Sett under 60% health is now ignored, so Sett will consistently only do 4 situps.
- Three’s a Crowd: 111 ⇒ 100 HP per 3 cost
- Total Domination (Noxus) Base Execute: 8% ⇒ 3%
- Total Domination Noxians Given: 3 ⇒ 2
- Two Healthy: 111 ⇒ 100 HP per 2 cost
- Unified Resistance II: Armor & MR Granted: 30 ⇒ 25
- What Doesn’t Kill You: 5 ⇒ 4 Losses per item
- Winds of War (Galio Carry augment) REWORKED: Gain a Galio. Your strongest Galio's ability gets larger with each cast, and enemies hit take magic damage equal to 10% of his max Health each second.
- You Have My Sword: 18% ⇒ 15% AD
- You Have My Bow: 15% ⇒ 12% AS
- Blinding Speed, Unleashed Arcana, Impenetrable Bulwark, Overwhelming Force: All gain an extra corresponding component.
- Built Different III Health 270 - 600 ⇒ 300 - 550
- Built Different III Attack Speed 50 -70 ⇒ 45 - 65
- Buried Treasures III: 5 ⇒ 6 components
- Cybernetic Leech III: 25% ⇒ 20% Omnivamp
- Final Reservers Trigger Reward XP: 80 ⇒ 70
- Final Reservers Trigger Reward Gold: Gain 40 gold ⇒ Set your gold to 66. When this triggers, excess gold above 66 is converted to experience.
- Hedge Fund: Gold 22 >> 23
- Infernal Contract: 85 ⇒ 75 gold
- Seeing Double Changed back to “Teaming Up”
- Teaming Up III: Gain 1 random Support Item, 12 Gold, and 2 Reforgers.
- Social Distancing III: 30 ⇒ 25 AD & AP
- Tiny Power III: 16 ⇒ 15% Stats
- Gotta Go Fast BUGFIX: Gotta Go Fast tiers now have different movement speed bonuses as intended rather than the same movement speed bonus across all tiers.
- Gotta Go Fast BUGFIX: Movespend Speed %s updated to reflect how much movement speed the units were actually getting, making the tooltip now read Move Speed: 40/70/110%
- Shadow Isles, Deadeye, and Yordle trait-linked Augments have been removed.
- Glacial Breeze (Freljord) has been removed.
- Challenger Crown Unit Granted : Kalista ⇒ Naafiri
- Demacia Crown Unit Granted : Garen ⇒ Quinn
- Freljord Soul Unit Granted : Lissandra ⇒ Ashe
- Freljord Soul Item Granted: Archangel’s Staff ⇒ Redemption
- Rogue Crown Unit Granted : Zed ⇒ Qiyana
- Rogue Heart Unit Granted : Zed ⇒ Qiyana
- Shurima Crown Unit Granted : Akshan ⇒ Naafiri
- Slayer Crest Unit Granted : Kled ⇒ Qiyana
- Slayer Crown Item Granted: Titan’s Resolve ⇒ Night Harvester
- Slayer Crown Unit Granted : Kled ⇒ Quinn
- Slayer Heart Unit Granted : Kled ⇒ Qiyana
- Strategist Soul Item Granted: Chalice of Power ⇒ Night Harvester
- Void Crown Item Granted: Zz’Rot Portal ⇒ Adaptive Helm
- Riftwalker Kassadin can no longer attempt to blink to untargetable enemies.
- Fixed a bug where Early Education and Endurance Training could temporarily behave incorrectly after starring up a unit.
- Crown of Demacia can no longer be equipped to benched units in Double Up.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Trickster’s Glass clone to become permanent under very specific circumstances.
- Like a boss: Fixed a bug where The Boss could be offered at 3-2 even if you were fielding no Ionia or Juggernauts.
- What The Forge no longer prevents effects from equipping temporary items (such as Noxus Ryze, Noxkraya, Binary Airdrop)
- Fixed a bug where What The Forge could fail to provide its bonus health.
- Shurima’s Legacy now functions properly when fighting a ghost army.
- Icathian Rain (Chibi Kai’Sa’s boom) is no longer invisible.
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