Elo Boosting vs. Self-Improvement: Which one is Better?
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Elo Boosting vs. Self-Improvement: Which one is Better?

Elevate your Valorant game with our expert analysis of elo boosting vs. self-improvement. Discover the better choice for you.


There are two main options: elo boosting and self-improvement. Elo boosting involves paying a third party to play on your account and increase your ranking, while self-improvement involves putting in the time and effort to improve your own gameplay. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between these two approaches and help you make an informed decision on which one is the better choice for you.

First step:

The first step in deciding between elo boosting and self-improvement is understanding the difference between them. Elo boosting involves hiring someone else to play on your account with the goal of increasing your rank quickly. On the other hand, self-improvement requires you to put in the work yourself by practicing, watching replays, and learning from mistakes.

Service research:

If you decide that self-improvement is the way to go for you, there are plenty of resources available online to help you improve. Many websites offer free guides on how to get better at League of Legends, as well as coaching services that can provide personalized feedback on your gameplay.

Riot's stance:

It’s important to note that Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, does not support elo boosting. If caught using an elo boosting service, players risk losing their accounts or even their jobs if they work for Riot or one of its affiliates.

Coaching feature:

One helpful feature offered by some websites is coaching services. These coaches can provide personalized feedback on your gameplay and help identify areas where you need improvement. While these services do come at a cost, they can be a valuable investment in improving your skills over time.

What is Elo Boosting and How Does it Work?

Elo boosting is a service that allows players to hire high elo boosters to play on their accounts and increase their rank in the game. Boosters use various techniques such as division boosting, duo boost, and playing in ranked mode to achieve the desired rank for the client. Elo boosting can be done through boosting websites or by hiring individual boosters who offer their services online.

When you buy an Elo boost service, you will provide your account details to the booster. The booster will then log into your account and play games on your behalf until they reach the desired rank. Division boosting involves playing games until you reach a new division or tier. Duo boosting is when the booster plays alongside you in ranked mode, increasing your chances of winning and climbing ranks faster.

It's important to note that Elo boost services are not endorsed by game developers and can result in account bans or penalties if caught. To avoid getting your account banned by Elo boost, it's best to choose a reputable company with experienced boosters who prioritize security measures.

While using Elo boosts can provide a quick rank increase, it does not improve the player's skills or knowledge of the game. Players who choose self-improvement over Elo boosting can develop their skills and knowledge, leading to long-term success in the game.

To pay for boosting services, most companies accept payment via credit card or PayPal. Some companies also accept cryptocurrency payments like Bitcoin.

Players who want to earn money playing League of Legends can participate in tournaments or become professional players. Many tournaments offer cash prizes for winners, while professional players earn salaries from organizations that sponsor them.

Elo Boosting vs. Self-Improvement: Which is The Better Choice for Valorant

Benefits of Elo Boosting for Climbing in Valorant

Save Time and Effort with Elo Boosting

For players looking to climb the ranks quickly in Valorant, elo boosting can be a valuable tool. Instead of spending countless hours grinding through lower ranks, players can hire experienced boosters to help them reach their desired rank in a fraction of the time. This not only saves time and effort but also allows players to focus on improving their gameplay rather than worrying about their rank.

Gain Valuable Insights from Experienced Boosters

One of the greatest benefits of elo boosting is the opportunity to learn from experienced players. Boosters are often skilled players themselves who can provide valuable insights and tips for improving gameplay. By watching how they play and receiving feedback on your own gameplay, you can gain a better understanding of the game mechanics and strategies that will help you climb even higher on your own in the future.

Avoid Toxic Teammates and Difficult Matches

Another advantage of elo boosting is that it allows players to avoid toxic teammates or difficult matches that may hinder their progress. With a booster, you can ensure that you have a reliable teammate who knows how to work well with others and communicate effectively. Boosters can help navigate tricky matches where opponents seem unbeatable or teammates are not performing at their best.

Drawbacks of Elo Boosting for Climbing in Valorant

Account Suspension and Permanent Bans

Elo boosting may seem like a quick fix to climb the ranks in Valorant, but it can come with severe consequences. One of the most significant drawbacks is the risk of account suspension or even permanent bans. Riot Games, the developer of Valorant, strictly prohibits any form of boosting or account sharing. If caught, players may face disciplinary action that could result in their accounts being suspended or permanently banned.

Lack of Skill Improvement

Another drawback of elo boosting is that it does not improve a player's skills and knowledge of the game. Instead, it provides an artificial rank that does not reflect their true skill level. Players who choose to boost their accounts miss out on valuable opportunities to learn from their mistakes and improve their gameplay.

Mismatched Skill Levels

Elo boosting can also lead to a mismatched skill level between players, resulting in frustration for both the boosted player and their teammates. When a player's rank does not match their actual skill level, they may struggle to keep up with higher-skilled opponents or carry their weight in matches. This can lead to negative experiences for all involved parties.

Unfair Advantage Over Other Players

Finally, elo boosting creates an unfair advantage over other players who have worked hard to climb the ranks through self-improvement. Boosted players gain access to higher-ranked matches without putting in the effort required to reach that level naturally. This puts other players at a disadvantage and undermines the competitive integrity of Valorant's ranking system.

What is Self-Improvement and How Does it Work?

Setting Goals: The First Step to Self-Improvement

Self-improvement is the process of developing one's skills, knowledge, and abilities to achieve personal growth and success. It requires setting goals that align with your values and aspirations. Setting goals gives you a clear direction and helps you stay focused on what matters most.

When setting goals, it's important to make them specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Specific goals help you define what you want to achieve in detail. Measurable goals allow you to track your progress and determine whether you're making progress towards achieving your goal. Achievable goals are realistic and within reach. Relevant goals align with your values and aspirations. Time-bound goals have a deadline for completion.

Identifying Areas for Improvement: Knowing Yourself

To improve yourself, it's important to identify areas where you need improvement. This can be done by reflecting on your strengths and weaknesses or seeking feedback from others.

Reflecting on your strengths can help you identify areas where you excel or have natural talents. Understanding your strengths allows you to leverage them in pursuit of your goals.

Reflecting on your weaknesses can be uncomfortable but necessary for growth. It allows us to recognize areas where we struggle or need more development.

Seeking feedback from others provides an external perspective that can highlight areas for improvement that we may not recognize ourselves.

Taking Action: Discipline is Key

Once you've identified areas for improvement, taking action is the next step towards self-improvement. This requires discipline, commitment, and a willingness to learn and grow.

There are various methods for taking action towards self-improvement such as reading books related to the area of improvement, attending seminars or workshops focused on skill development or seeking out mentors who can provide guidance.

Practicing new skills is another key way to take action towards self-improvement. Repetition helps us develop habits that lead to mastery over time. Seeking feedback from others can also help us refine our skills and identify areas for further improvement.

Benefits of Self-Improvement: A Better You

The benefits of self-improvement are numerous and far-reaching. Increased confidence, better relationships, improved health and well-being, and greater success in personal and professional endeavors are just a few examples.

Self-improvement helps us become more self-aware, which leads to greater emotional intelligence and the ability to navigate challenging situations with greater ease. It also allows us to be more adaptable in an ever-changing world.

Benefits of Self-Improvement for Climbing in Valorant

Developing a Better Understanding of the Game Mechanics

One of the key benefits of self-improvement for climbing in Valorant is that it helps players develop a better understanding of the game mechanics. By studying how different agents, weapons, and maps work, players can gain valuable insights into how to play more effectively. This knowledge can then be applied during gameplay to make better decisions and outmaneuver opponents.

Identifying Weaknesses and Working on Them

Another important benefit of self-improvement is that it enables players to identify their weaknesses and work on them. By analyzing replays of their matches or seeking feedback from other players, gamers can pinpoint areas where they need to improve. Whether it's aiming, movement, or communication skills, focusing on these weaknesses can help players become more well-rounded and competitive.

Better Decision-Making Skills During Gameplay

Self-improvement also leads to better decision-making skills during gameplay. As players become more familiar with the game mechanics and develop a deeper understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, they are able to make smarter choices in real-time situations. This includes everything from deciding which agent to play as in a given situation to knowing when to rotate or push aggressively.

Developing a Personalized Playstyle

Another advantage of self-improvement is that it helps players develop a personalized playstyle that suits their strengths. Rather than trying to emulate someone else's style, gamers who focus on self-improvement can experiment with different approaches until they find one that works best for them. This not only leads to greater success in the game but also makes playing more enjoyable overall.

Sense of Accomplishment and Satisfaction

Self-improvement also leads to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that cannot be achieved through elo boosting or other shortcuts. When gamers put in the time and effort required to improve their skills organically, they feel a greater sense of pride in their achievements. This sense of satisfaction can be a powerful motivator, driving players to continue improving and striving for even greater success.

Building a Strong Foundation for Long-Term Success

Finally, self-improvement helps build a strong foundation for long-term success in the game. By focusing on developing skills rather than simply trying to win matches, players are able to improve steadily over time. This not only leads to more consistent success but also prepares gamers for higher levels of competition. Whether it's climbing the ranks or competing in professional tournaments, self-improvement is essential for achieving long-term success in Valorant.

Drawbacks of Self-Improvement for Climbing in Valorant

Time and Effort: The Challenge of Self-Improvement

Improving one's gameplay in Valorant requires a significant amount of time and effort. Players need to spend hours practicing their aim, learning maps, mastering agents, and analyzing their own gameplay. However, not everyone has the luxury of dedicating countless hours to the game due to work or other commitments. This is where elo boosting services come in handy as they can help players climb ranks without having to invest too much time into the game.

Identifying Mistakes: The Importance of Guidance

One of the biggest challenges of self-improvement is identifying mistakes and correcting them. Without guidance from more experienced players or coaches, it can be challenging to pinpoint areas that need improvement. It's easy for players to fall into bad habits or develop blind spots that hinder their progress. In contrast, elo boosting services can provide players with access to high-level gameplay and insights on how to improve their own skills.

Frustration and Burnout: The Risk of Slow Progress

Self-improvement requires patience and perseverance, but progress may not always come quickly or consistently. Players who feel frustrated by slow progress may experience burnout, which can lead them to lose motivation or even quit playing altogether. In contrast, using elo boosting services can provide a sense of immediate gratification as players see themselves climbing ranks rapidly.

Longer Process: Climbing Ranks Through Self-Improvement Alone

While self-improvement is a worthy pursuit for any player looking to improve their skills in Valorant, it may take longer compared to using elo boosting services. Climbing ranks through self-improvement alone requires a lot of dedication and hard work over an extended period. On the other hand, with elo boosting services like Boosting Hero available at your fingertips, you can climb up the ranks quickly while still improving your gameplay along the way.

No Guarantee for Success: Factors Affecting Performance

Finally, it's essential to remember that self-improvement does not guarantee success in Valorant. There are many factors that can affect a player's performance in a match, such as team composition, map selection, and the skill level of opponents. While self-improvement can help players improve their gameplay, there is no substitute for experience and game sense.

Evidence and Statistics on the Effectiveness of Elo Boosting for Climbing in Valorant

Elo Boosting is Against the Terms of Service of Riot Games

Riot Games, the developer of Valorant, has made it clear that elo boosting is strictly prohibited. The company considers it a violation of their terms of service and can result in account suspension or even permanent bans. This is because elo boosting services require account sharing, which puts players' accounts at risk. It also goes against the spirit of competitive play in Valorant.

Players Who Use Elo Boosting Services May Experience Negative Effects

According to Riot Games, players who use elo boosting services are more likely to experience negative effects such as decreased skill development and a lack of understanding of game mechanics. This is because they are not putting in the effort required to improve their skills naturally through consistent practice and dedication. Instead, they rely on someone else to boost their rank for them, which does not lead to long-term improvement.

Ranked Games Are Crucial for Competitive Play in Valorant

Ranked games are an essential part of Valorant's competitive scene. Players compete against others with similar skill levels and climb the ranks based on their performance. Using elo boosting services may seem like a quick way to reach a higher rank, but it comes with its own set of problems. Players who use these services may struggle to perform at their boosted rank since they have not put in the work required to get there themselves. This can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction with their gameplay experience.

Self-Improvement Through Consistent Practice is More Effective Than Elo Boosting Services

Statistics show that self-improvement through consistent practice and dedication is a more effective way to climb the ranks in Valorant than relying on elo boosting services. Players who take the time to learn game mechanics, practice different strategies, and analyze their gameplay tend to improve faster than those who do not put in this effort.

Evidence and Statistics on the Effectiveness of Self-Improvement for Climbing in Valorant

Self-improvement has been proven to be effective in climbing ranks in Valorant. According to a study conducted by the popular gaming website, Blitz.gg, players who focused on self-improvement saw an average increase of two ranks in just one season. This is a significant improvement that can be attributed to the benefits of consistent self-improvement.

Self-improvement involves analyzing gameplay, identifying weaknesses, and practicing specific skills to improve. A player can analyze their gameplay by reviewing their replays and identifying areas where they made mistakes or missed opportunities. By doing this, they can identify patterns and develop strategies to avoid making the same mistakes in future games. Practicing specific skills such as aim training or learning new agent abilities can help players become more well-rounded and versatile.

Consistent self-improvement can lead to long-term success and a deeper understanding of the game. When a player focuses on improving themselves rather than solely on winning games, they are able to develop a deeper understanding of the mechanics of the game and how different agents interact with each other. This knowledge can be used to make better decisions during matches and ultimately lead to more victories.

In contrast, elo boosting may provide a temporary boost in rank but does not address underlying issues or improve gameplay skills. Elo boosting involves paying another player (often at a higher rank) to play on your account with the goal of increasing your rank quickly. While this may result in short-term gains, it does not address any weaknesses or skill gaps that may exist within your own gameplay.

Ultimately, self-improvement is a more sustainable and rewarding approach to climbing ranks in Valorant. By focusing on improving oneself rather than just winning games or achieving a high rank quickly through elo boosting, players are able to develop their skills over time and achieve long-term success.

Conclusion: Which Method is the Better Choice for Climbing in Valorant?

Climbing the ranks in Valorant can be a challenging task, but it's one that many players are willing to undertake. However, the question remains: which method is the better choice for climbing in Valorant? After examining both elo boosting and self-improvement, it's clear that self-improvement is the superior method.

Elo boosting may seem like an attractive option at first glance. It promises quick results and allows players to skip over difficult parts of the game. However, there are several drawbacks to this method. For one thing, it can be expensive. Players must pay for someone else to play on their account, which can add up quickly. Elo boosting is against Riot Games' terms of service and can result in account bans or suspensions.

On the other hand, self-improvement offers numerous benefits for climbing in Valorant. By focusing on improving their own skills and gameplay, players can achieve long-term success and satisfaction. Self-improvement involves analyzing mistakes and weaknesses, practicing regularly, and seeking out resources such as tutorials or coaching.

One significant advantage of self-improvement is that it allows players to develop a deeper understanding of the game. By learning about mechanics such as map control or crosshair placement, players can make more informed decisions during matches. This knowledge also translates into other games or even real-life situations.

Furthermore, self-improvement promotes a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset. Instead of relying on external factors such as teammates or luck, players who focus on self-improvement take responsibility for their own progress and view setbacks as opportunities for improvement.

Statistics support the effectiveness of self-improvement for climbing in Valorant. According to data from Blitz.gg, higher-ranked players tend to spend more time practicing alone than lower-ranked players do. This suggests that investing time into individual improvement pays off in terms of rank progression.

For those looking to take their gameplay to the next level, we highly recommend utilizing our Valorant coaching services at OdinBoost, links are down below.

Coaching | Elo Boosting | Duo Boosting | Win Boosting | Placement Matches