Master the Jungle: Unleash Your Inner Beast
7 min read

Master the Jungle: Unleash Your Inner Beast

Dominate the jungle with our expert tips & tricks - learn pathing, ganking, objective control, and more to outsmart your foes!

This article will explore the distinctive challenges faced by Junglers in League of Legends, such as balancing farming with ganking and providing vision control. We'll share valuable tips and tactics to help you overcome these hardships. By the time you finish reading, you'll not only have a deeper appreciation for the Jungle role, but also a better grasp of how to improve as a Jungler.

Jungler Responsibilities

As a jungler, your primary responsibilities include:


Ganking refers to the jungler helping a teammate in a lane by surprising an enemy champion and attempting to kill or force them to retreat. Successful ganks can lead to kills, turret destruction, or creating pressure for your team.


Junglers must efficiently farm jungle monsters to gain experience and gold. This allows them to level up their abilities and purchase items to become stronger throughout the game.

Objective Control

The jungler is responsible for controlling objectives like the Rift Herald, Dragon, and Baron Nashor. Securing these objectives can provide your team with valuable buffs and help swing the game in your favor.

Vision and Map Control

Providing vision by placing wards and denying the enemy team vision through counter-warding is crucial. This can help your team make informed decisions and prevent ganks from the enemy jungler.

Jungle Playstyles

Different jungle champions and team compositions may require you to adapt your playstyle. Understanding various jungle playstyles will help you make the most of your champion's strengths and contribute effectively to your team's success. Let's discuss some common jungle playstyles:

Gank-heavy Junglers

Gank-heavy junglers prioritize applying pressure on lanes through frequent ganks. Champions with strong crowd control, mobility, or burst damage excel in this playstyle. Examples include Lee Sin, Elise, and Zac. As a gank-heavy jungler, focus on identifying overextended enemies or vulnerable lanes and coordinating with your teammates to secure kills or summoner spell advantages.

Farm-focused Junglers

Farm-focused junglers aim to maximize their gold and experience gain by efficiently clearing jungle camps. These junglers typically have strong scaling potential, making them formidable late-game threats. Champions such as Master Yi, Shyvana, and Karthus represent farm-focused junglers. When utilizing these champions, it is crucial to prioritize efficient pathing and capitalize on counter-jungling opportunities.

Objective Controllers

Objective controllers prioritize securing neutral objectives like Dragon, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor. These junglers often have fast clear speeds, strong dueling potential, or abilities that help them secure objectives quickly. Champions like Nunu, Vi, and Kindred are well-suited for this playstyle. To excel as an objective controller, maintain vision control around objectives and coordinate with your team to contest or secure them.

Supportive Junglers

Supportive junglers focus on providing utility and peel for their team, rather than carrying the game themselves. These junglers typically have strong crowd control abilities and excel in teamfights. Examples include Ivern, Sejuani, and Rammus. As a supportive jungler, look for opportunities to set up plays for your teammates, protect your carries, and disrupt the enemy backline during teamfights.

Invading Junglers

Invading junglers thrive on disrupting the enemy jungler's farm and applying pressure by invading their jungle. Champions with strong dueling potential, mobility, or vision control tools are particularly suited for this playstyle, such as Nidalee, Graves, and Evelynn. As an invading jungler, focus on deep warding, monitoring the enemy jungler's movements, and seizing their camps when safe it's safe

By understanding and adapting to diverse jungle playstyles, you can boost both your personal performance and effectively contribute to your team's strategy.

Jungle Timers and Smite Buffs

Understanding jungle timers and smite buffs is essential for optimizing your jungle path and securing objectives effectively. In this section, we will discuss the jungle camp timers and the smite buffs associated with each camp.

Jungle Timers

Jungle camp timers help you plan your path and maintain control over your jungle. Here are the respawn timers for each camp:

Blue Sentinel (Blue Buff) and Red Brambleback (Red Buff): 5 minutes

Rift Scuttlers: 2 minutes 30 seconds

Gromp, Greater Murk Wolf, Crimson Raptor, and Ancient Krug: 2 minutes

Rift Herald: 6 minutes (spawns at 8 minutes, despawns at 19:45, or 19:30 if in combat)

Dragons: 5 minutes (spawns at 5 minutes)

Baron Nashor: 6 minutes (spawns at 20 minutes)

Smite Buffs

Using smite on specific jungle camps grants you various buffs that can enhance your performance. These buffs are as follows:

Blue Sentinel (Blue Buff): Restores a percentage of your maximum mana or energy over time and grants bonus ability haste for 120 seconds.

Red Brambleback (Red Buff): Deals true damage over time to enemy champions and monsters and provides a slow effect for 120 seconds. It also restores health over time.

Gromp: Grants a bonus health regeneration effect for 90 seconds.

Greater Murk Wolf, Crimson Raptor, and Ancient Krug: No smite buff.

Rift Scuttler: Defeating the Rift Scuttler results in a speed shrine, which grants increased movement speed and vision within the river area for 90 seconds. To maximize your jungle efficiency, closely monitor jungle timers and utilize smite effectively to secure valuable buffs, enabling you to control objectives and maintain an advantage over the enemy jungler.

Don't forget to integrate this knowledge into your gameplay, and you'll soon see improvements in your jungle performance.

Jungle Invades and Early Game Strategies

Jungle invades and early game strategies can provide your team with a crucial advantage, influencing the game's direction. This section will cover jungle invades and common early game tactics to help your team gain a lead.

Jungle Invades

Invade occurs when a team enters the enemy jungle to steal camps, place deep wards, or attempt to secure early kills. Jungle invades can disrupt the enemy jungler's pathing, delay their level progression, and provide valuable information about their location.

Here are some tips for successful jungle invades:

Coordinate with your team: Express your intent to perform a jungle invade and verify that your teammates are prepared to offer assistance.

Choose the right timing: For a successful invade, initiate the action when the enemy jungler is either on the opposite side of the map or has made themselves visible in a lane, reducing the risk of confrontation.

Ward effectively: Place wards in key locations to gain vision of the enemy jungle and track their movements.

Know your limits: Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your champion, and avoid risky invades if you cannot win a duel against the enemy jungler.

Early Game Strategies

Establishing a strong early game strategy is critical to shaping the match's pace and securing an advantage. Here are some commonly used tactics to help you gain the upper hand;

Level 1 invades: Coordinate with your team to invade the enemy jungle at level 1, looking to secure early kills, place wards, or steal a buff.

Vertical jungling: Vertical jungling involves dividing the map vertically and focusing on one side of the jungle. This can help you apply pressure to specific lanes or counter an enemy invade.

Lane priority: Work with your laners to secure lane priority, giving you the freedom to invade the enemy jungle, contest objectives, or gank without fear of enemy laner interference.

Three-buff start: If you can predict the enemy jungler's pathing or have information about their starting location, you can attempt a three-buff start by stealing one of their buffs after securing your own.

Early gank or counter-gank: Identify vulnerable lanes or anticipate enemy ganks, and execute early ganks or counter-ganks to provide your team with an advantage.

By incorporating jungle invades and early game strategies into your gameplay, you can create opportunities to gain advantages, disrupt the enemy jungler, and set your team up for success.


Q:What is the best jungle champion for beginners?

A:Warwick, Amumu, and Nunu are all beginner-friendly jungle champions with relatively simple kits and strong ganking potential.

Q:How can I improve my jungle clear speed?

A:To improve your jungle clear speed, focus on optimizing your jungle path, using your abilities effectively, and choosing the right runes and items for your champion.

Q:When should I gank a lane?

A:To execute successful ganks, you must identify optimal opportunities when the enemy is overextended, has low health, or your teammate can use crowd control to set up the gank and secure a kill.

Q:How can I prevent the enemy jungler from getting into my jungle?

A:Safeguard your jungle by warding entrances, tracking enemy jungler with team, and avoiding risky camps without location.

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