Unleashing Blue Essence: The Revival of LoL's Essence Emporium
Get a concise and easy-to-understand. Unleashing Blue Essence: The Revival of LoL's Essence Emporium.Did you know that Blue Essence in League of Legends can have more value than you might initially realize? All the champions you've enchanted because they simply didn't have a place in your inventory, and the accumulation of seemingly useless Blue Essence— what can you even do with it?
Twice a year, there's a sale within your League of Legends client, providing a great opportunity to utilize some of that Blue Essence without having to spend it merely on new champions. The sale is known as the Essence Emporium.
When Does the Essence Emporium Take Place? The Essence
Emporium occurs twice a year. Although the event had been on hold due to some technical adjustments, it's confirmed that The Blue Essence Emporium will return in Season 13. The event is anticipated to be live in the League of Legends client starting from LoL Patch 13.17.
News about the Essence Emporium Return
After a year-long hiatus following LoL Patch 12.12, news about the next Essence Emporium event has been released. It's disclosed that the Emporium will return in Season 13, offering improved technical features. The event is expected to return in LoL Patch 13.17 and will occur twice a year, much like in previous years.
Understanding the Essence Emporium
The Essence Emporium is a unique shop added to the League of Legends client each year. It appears twice, once midway through the season and again at the season's end. The Essence Emporium was first introduced prior to Season 8 in 2018.
In this shop, accumulated Blue Essence can be used to purchase more than just champions. This is an excellent opportunity for players to use their excess Blue Essence on items like icons and emotes, rather than on champions they may never use.
What is Blue Essence?
Blue Essence is a currency used in League of Legends. Although you can purchase Champions with Riot Points (essentially real money), Blue Essence provides a much cheaper alternative. It's commonly given out in Champion Capsules and Hextech Chests.
Blue Essence is the easiest currency to obtain in League of Legends, as disenchanting any champion provides you with it. With a Champion Capsule awarded every time you level up, you'll be accumulating a significant amount of Blue Essence in your inventory.
Where to See Blue Essence
You can easily locate your Blue Essence total within the League of Legends client. In the top right corner, to the left of your icon, you'll find the amount of RP you possess, along with the amount of Blue Essence you have saved.
What Can You Buy In the Essence Emporium?
The Essence Emporium offers various items for purchase. For those who have amassed a large amount of Blue Essence, you might even be able to purchase a skin.
The available items for purchase may vary from year to year, and new items could be added in the upcoming Essence Emporium. However, players can look forward to obtaining a unique new icon or ward skin with their Blue Essence. Please note, you are guaranteed an emote or icon that you don't already own.
As of now, it's a waiting game until you can purchase something new in the Essence Emporium. Perhaps in the future, Riot Games will introduce fun new ways to utilize your amassed Blue Essence. After all, many players already have all the champions.